What Are The Must-Have Tech Tools For Journalists?

Journalism is a field which is growing quickly. Also, it is more critical than ever before. With the internet’s ubiquity, journalists needs to ensure that they share accurate information with their readers. In addition, speed is essential so journalists have to rely on advanced tools to expedite the process. 

What are some of the top digital tools that journalists should consider today? Read on to discover our top recommendations of digital tools for journalists.


Today, news articles go hand in hand with visuals and falling for fake news, especially around imagery and photos, has become a real issue. That is why we decided to include TinEye in our list of tools.

TinEye is an image search engine which uses image identification technology as opposed to keywords, metadata or watermarks. When you submit an image on the website, the tool will search the web to find out when and where this image was used first. TinEye creates a unique digital signature of the image and will then match it with other indexed images. 

If all of this was not impressive enough, the tool also can determine whether the image has been digitally tampered with.


TechForReporters is like a credible version of Yahoo Answers that caters to reporters in the tech field. If you’re covering a story and need answers fast on the latest in tech news, TechForReporters offers free access to a database of programmers, engineers and designers who can help.


Maestra is an automatic audio and video transcription software tool which can generate text from audio and video files in 50+ languages.

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If you have a video or audio file that you need to transcribe or caption, Maestra can do it for you within just a couple of minutes. Maestra is not only helpful for journalists, it’s also useful for caption generation and adding subtitles to videos. This means that you can add subtitles to anything from educational videos to those that you stream showing you playing at ZAR Casino South Africa or other gaming sites.

No-one has time to spend all day listening to the same interview. In such situations, Maestra can come as a very efficient tool in need of every journalist or PR writer.

Google Docs

Google Docs is one of the very best free tools available for journalists. Even though it is utilised by plenty of people outside of journalism, it is a cloud-based editor which allows multiple people to work on the same document at the same time. This means one person can write, one person can edit, and one can add images without having to keep track of the most recent version in an email.


A big part of a journalist’s job is finding the contact details of people, and Hunter.io is a tool built specifically for that purpose.

It can search for email addresses attached to a specific domain like that of a company, or even a government agency. It only requires the user to input the URL of the organization where the person being tracked is working and then search for the individual. 

If Hunter.io fails to find the email address it will come up with likely alternatives based on the common patterns of email addresses found in that domain. It also has a built-in email verification tool to check if the email address being looked for is working. 

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