How effective is intermittent fasting for weight loss?

intermittent fasting for weight loss

You need not stay at size zero for being healthy. But if you grow obese, then reducing the excess baggage is the only option to be healthy and fit. Otherwise, you may become lethargic and develop chronic ailments. One effective method that can be helpful here is intermittent fasting for weight loss.

What is intermittent fasting for weight loss?

This diet is a cyclic pattern that alternates between eating and fasting. You can try 16:8, weekend, or alternate-day fasting methods. One unconventional technique is the eat-stop-eat approach, in which you fast for one or two consecutive days per week. Or you can rely on the Warrior Diet method in which you allocate a four-hour window at night to eat only dairy, eggs, raw fruits, and vegetables.

Irrespective of the technique, you have to be more aware of the body’s physiology. Fasting can affect metabolism by increasing or decreasing hormones like insulin and norepinephrine. Besides, reducing the frequency of consumption and the volume of food intake can be useful. It can decrease body weight and make you slimmer around the waist.

Nutritious food: intermittent fasting for weight loss

Yes, intermittent fasting focuses on time rather than food quantity. It emphasizes eating time, frequency, and fasting for hours or days. But it does not give enough importance to the nature and type of food. You still have to eat food to break the fast and do so with careful consideration.

Try to eat healthy, nutritious, clean, and organic food products. Do not rely on packaged, processed, or artificially flavored items. Follow a dietary regimen, and stick to a simple and limited set of foods. Do not get carried away during the eating period and gorge on snacks, colas, and deep-fries.

The food should have the right proportion of carbs, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Eat fresh fruits and vegetable-based foods, rather than meat products. However, you have to take a subjective call and choose what is best for the body. For weight loss, you should restrict yourself to eating few calories. Experts advise a mix of protein-rich food with low-calorie vegetables that make you feel full.

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Take care of the calorie count and muscle mass

The intermittent fasting for weight loss is dependent on the calorie count. You can choose any method, but the number of calories is vital. So, you still have to take stock of the total calorie count. Since you will be avoiding calorie-rich beverages during fasting, weight loss is effective.

Depending on the method, you have to restrict or abstain from the calorie intake. For example, the 5:2 diet involves no restriction for five days. But on two weekend days, you have to reduce calorie intake by 1/4th. So, the cumulative reduction is large enough to control blood glucose and weight.

Another critical measurement involved with dieting is muscle mass. Since you focus on protein-rich eating, there is no cause for any great concern. But, both fat and muscle mass still reduce due to the fasting periods. However, your lean muscle mass may not change.

Consistent protocol: intermittent fasting for weight loss

You cannot treat the fasting technique as a simple experiment. It is a well-planned adventure with specific time windows. These methods cleverly exploit the body’s way of spending reserving energy or fat. Also, the growth hormones will get involved in maintaining muscle growth.

However, you cannot expect any miracles as body metabolism is a complex activity. But you can track the results and stick to a strict regimen. And you can always follow a consistent protocol for maintaining the correct fasting and eating times.

You can also maintain strict discipline by designing a fasting plan. Make use of technology, or keep a time-table to follow the protocols. Do not experiment, but continue with the chosen method for extensive periods. You can make small adjustments after a couple of weeks but stay on target.

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Continue the physical activities

Being precise about nutrition and dietary restrictions is not enough. You still have to continue all the daily routines and stay fit. The intermittent fasting for weight loss will not work if you neglect strength training. You have to continue all the workouts, running, jogging, and jumping routines.

Calorie deprivation does not necessarily reduce the requirement of physical exercise. Since you will be eating enough protein, there will be sufficient muscle mass. So, continue with the strength training exercises, including push-ups, squats, bench-presses, rows, and pull-ups.

Be joyful, and stay busy so that the mind stays away from eating. But on the physical front, you have to chalk out a comfortable routine. Seek expert guidance at a gym, or rely on your abilities to design a workout routine. These exercises will keep you agile and alert for any changes.

Avoid both over-eating and over-exercising during intermittent fasting. You do not have to rush ahead and try to be very strict from day one. Take note of your budget, consume the ideal foods in healthy, digestible doses, and do not get carried away by expecting miracle cures or magical loss in total weight.

Positive attitude: intermittent fasting for weight loss

Finally, mental composure is as significant as physical preparedness. You cannot lose patience and swing from one method to another, and you should also not get carried away by noticeable weight changes either. You should stay focused and follow the fasting and eating pattern without any compromises.

Intermittent fasting involves body metabolism as well as the mind. The body and mind have a close connection, and they can affect each other. The changes in insulin and glucose levels can also bring about psychological changes. They include stress, anxiety, confusion, and sleep-related problems.

However, the fasting methods involve precision eating as well as well-timed fasting periods. So, you do not have to worry about chronic fatigue, stress, or other disorders. Display a positive attitude, and continue the dietary regimen to reduce weight effectively.